Plug & Burn

ReadMe File

Note: In addition to the known issues contained in this document, you can access current product support information on the Roxio Web site at


Known issues

When a capture is cancelled, the resulting disc cannot be used to burn other projects.

When you click Capture now or Capture entire tape in Plug & Burn, the assistant begins burning the taped footage to the disc. If you click Cancel, and are burning to a non-rewritable disc, the disc will be finalized, and cannot be used to burn another project.

"Select video device failed" or "Operation 'Build'..." error occurs.

Plug & Burn cannot capture from some video devices if the ehRecvr process is enabled. To disable the process, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Start > Run.
  2. Type net stop ehrecvr and click OK.

Plug & Burn does not support high definition video devices.

Plug & Burn does not support high definition video cameras or other high definition video devices. The image resolution for high definition video devices is greater than the maximum resolution supported for DVD (720x480 or 720x576).

Error occurs in Plug & Burn when you click Capture Now at end of tape.

If you click Capture Now when the end of the tape is reached on the DV camera, capture appears to continue indefinitely, with no video actually captured, or the following error is displayed: Error Operation "OnBurnError" error: last sate 1, error code -2147200497. To avoid this problem, do not click Capture Now at the end of a tape. Rewind to at least 1 minute before the end of the tape before capturing.

Opening Task Manager while capturing video will shut down Plug & Burn.

If you open the Task Manager while capturing analog video, the capture will be stopped and Plug & Burn will shut down. To avoid errors while capturing video, do not press Ctrl-Alt-Delete or use any other method to open the Task Manager during the capture process.

CinePlayer may play disc during Plug & Burn.

If you insert a DVD into your burner while attempting to capture video from a DV camcorder or other source, CinePlayer may open and play the DVD. If this happens, you can minimize CinePlayer and continue with your Plug & Burn session.

Plug & Burn does not support mode switching for HD digital video cameras

Do not switch your HD digital video camera from Live to Tape mode (or vice versa) while in Plug & Burn. If you do, the connection to the camera will be lost. To reconnect to the camera, you must exit and re-enter Plug & Burn.

Preview does not work properly, and captured files are corrupt

This problem occurs if the video standards of the digital video camera and the digital video tape do not match (for example, if the DV camera uses the NTSC standard, and the tape is recorded with the PAL standard). Always make sure that the digital video tape standard matches the standard of the DV camera.

Roxio support options

If you cannot find the answers you are looking for in the online Help or the User Guide, you can get the most current information from our Web site (

You can access the Roxio Web site in any of these ways:

Unlimited self-help options
Roxio provides a variety of self-help tools from the Roxio Support Web site (, including our virtual agent, a searchable knowledge base of support articles with troubleshooting tips, and tutorials that can help you get the most out of your Roxio products.
Note: Be sure to visit the Roxio Support Web site before you contact us by phone or e-mail—you will find answers to most of your questions there.

Alternate support options
Alternate support options such as e-mail or telephone support may be available on a limited or paid basis for your Roxio product. Please visit our Web site ( to find out what options are available for your product.

Contacting Roxio
Log in to our Customer Web portal to submit a request for assistance or to find support contact information for your location. You can find the customer Web portal at

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